Heads-Up: MBS at Lows of Day

Fannie 3.0 MBS are down to  99-07 (99.22) from highs of 99-12 (99.375).  This is the threshold of negative reprice risk for the jumpiest and most aggressive lenders.  If your lender's rate sheet doesn't have rates below 4.25% on conforming 30yr fixed, then you'd just need to worry about Fannie 3.5 MBS (which aren't currently looking as risky).

Nonetheless, bonds are all at their weakest levels of the day with 10yr yields up 1.8bps at 2.517.  If that weakness continues, MBS will likely continue to be pulled along for the ride (and reprice risk would increase).

MBS / Treasury Market Data

UMBS 5.0
UMBS 5.5
2 YR
10 YR
Pricing as of: 8/30 5:59PM EST
This Mortgage Market Alert is provided in partnership with MBS Live and provided exclusively to MBS Live Subcribers.